- The Geography of Childhood, why children need wild places. By Gary Paul Nabhan and Stephen Trimble. (ISBN 0-8070-8525-1)
How children interact with their environment by two parent naturalists, including a good chapter on gender and the environment.
- Earth Education … A New Beginning. By Steve Van Matre. (ISBN 0-917011-02-3)
A DIY guide to designing ecological adventures. If you can get past the strange gnomes, the brass tacks of this book is still the best guide to designing environmental education programmes.
- The Ecology of the Imagination in Childhood. By Edith Cobb. (ISBN 0-88214-360-3)
“Since the imagination arises from the child’s contact with nature, each child is a born ecologist. Thus save the children, to save the imagination, to save the Planet.” This book looks at the symbiosis between the natural environment and the development of the whole person.”
- Children and Nature: Psychological, Sociocultural and Evolutionary Investigations. By Peter Kahn. (ISBN 978-0262611756)
Some scientific investigations into the links between children and nature.
- Forest School for All. Edited by Sara Knight. (ISBN 978-0-85702-072-7)
Looks at Forest School for older children and children with additional needs.
- Wild Child. By Patrick Barkham. (ISBN 978-1-78378-191-1)
A personal look at the importance of the child’s relationship with nature.
- The Memory We Could Be – Overcoming Fear to Create Our Ecological Future. By Daniel Macmillian Voskoboynik. (ISBN 978-0-86571-899-9)
Attempts to move beyond the sterile, technical language that has pervaded discussions around climate change and ecology. It seeks to counter the bureaucratic prose of our conversations, to humanise the abstraction of global warming and bring different voices into the conversation.